News and Announcements
JOB POSTING: FHV Turf Coordinator
Field Hockey Victoria is looking for a new Turf Coordinator for start in September 2021. FHV would like to thank Tanya McKinney for fulfilling this role so dutifully since 2014.
Field Hockey Victoria (FHV) is the umbrella organization for the Victoria Junior Field Hockey Association (VJFHA), the Vancouver Island Ladies Field Hockey Association (VILFHA), the Vancouver Island Field Hockey Association (VIFHA) and the Umpires Association. One of the main responsibilities of this organization is to oversee the relationship and procedures for booking the artificial water-based field (Field 1) at the University of Victoria.
Job Summary
The FHV Turf Coordinator shall:
• Schedule bookings of all turf times for the field hockey community in Victoria, except UVic teams.
• Provide field use permit(s) to each group if needed.
• Provide a listing of booked times and available times on request to any group.
• Provide UVic Athletics and Recreation with all cancellations, revisions and requests as per agreement with UVic.
• Invoice user groups at least quarterly – in conjunction with the FHV Treasurer.
• Report to the Board as directed.
Job Requirements
The successful candidate can demonstrate:
• An ability to schedule sports groups with competing needs using a priority matrix, required.
• Possess strong computer skills and up-to-date software, including email, Excel and Adobe Reader, required.
• Good communication and organizational skills, essential.
• Knowledge of the Victoria field hockey community, preferred.
• Be available each week throughout the year to manage the bookings and communication, required – local availability is not required as the duties can be conducted using email.
Appointment & Annual Review
• Appointment will be for one year commencing September 1, 2021
• Continuation of appointment with be subject to annual performance and suitability review by the FHV Board
• Preference will be given to candidates who do not currently sit on one of the Field Hockey Victoria members boards.
• Renumeration: $250 per month based on approximately 12 hours of work per month
To Apply
Please submit a resume and cover letter outlining your qualifications for the position via e-mail to Mark Baggott, President Field Hockey Victoria at no later than August 22, 2021 at 11:59pm. All questions may also be directed to Mark at the above email address.
The document FHV-TurfCoordinator-Posting-2021.pdf was attached to this post.
Victoria Junior League AGM
Hello Field Hockey Community!
The Victoria Junior Field Hockey Association would like to invite you to the 2020 Annual General Meeting. They are looking for some new Board Members to join our team. They are looking for people who are interested in getting involved in the field hockey community and helping the next generation.
For interested parents, you will have a direct hand in shaping the association to benefit all children in our sport. This is a great way to acquire some professional development in a volunteer organization and to give you a chance to offer your ideas and perspective.
The AGM will be held on Thursday December 10, 2020 at 7pm via ZOOM. Everyone is welcome to attend the AGM.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 858 4649 0301
Passcode: 659736
The order of business will be as follows:
1. Call to order
2. Approval of agenda
3. Approval of previous minutes – September 16, 2019
4. Treasurer’s report – Charles
5. Chair’s report – Shibby Claire
6. 2020-2021 Season- What it will look like with Covid
7. Elections
• President – Shibby Claire (incumbent)
• Vice-President – Jim Knight
• Secretary – Shalegh Ringma (incumbent)
• Treasurer – Charles Goodmanson (incumbent)
• Girls Coordinator – Julie Williams/Lauren Goodmanson
• Boys Coordinator – Jim Knight/Meena Sran
• Directors-at-Large Kelvin Kum & 2 vacant positions
9. Other business
Second Stage FHBC Return to Play – Key Takeaways
The details below and the document attached does not replace all of the details of requirements and checklists in the full Sept. 29 FHBC Stage 2 Return to Play plan (see link at bottom). It is specifically geared for the Field Hockey Victoria general participant and parent audience.
Stage 2 Definition
The FHBC second stage responsible return to play is defined as a progressive game play
return – permitting the creation of ‘cohorts’ (participant bubbles or pods) allowing for
greater participant interaction within the field of play only (field of play defined as
inside the playing perimeter white lines).
Attestation forms
Participants (all players, coaches, safety officers, officials) need to sign a COVID-19 participant attestation form prior to each activity session (even if that is multiple sessions in the same day).
- This can be done electronically or on paper but must be properly tracked, organized and able to be provided upon request
Liability & Insurance
While we are all doing our part to limit transmission of COVID-19, the Return to Play framework is also built to cover liability and insurance. As with any session, all players, coaches and officials must have valid FHBC membership so they have their player insurance. In addition, all organized sport activity on any field or venue must follow the appropriate FHBC return to play guidelines for liability purposes which for liability reasons must include:
- Insured participants (valid FHBC memberships)
- Contact tracing for each session of each participant
- Organizing group has an Emergency Action Plan
Contact Tracing
For contact tracing purposes, the organized sport group of the activity must collect the first and last names and telephone number or email address of all activity participants. Please ensure cohort record keeping is up to date and able to be provided upon request.
Physical Distancing
Regardless of whether your session is in Stage 1 or Stage 2, outside the playing perimeter white lines stage one physical distancing protocols apply requiring all participants to maintain a physical distance of 2 meters.
Participants must commit to a single cohort
All members participating in Stage 2 Return to Play are limited to a single cohort (except those in a FHC or FHBC high performance program).
Coaches and Officials may be counted outside the total cohort number if they are able to
maintain physical distancing at all times.
Stage 1 training sessions are not cohorts as there are coach to athlete ratios and physical distancing at all times. Therefore, participants could play in a Stage 1 training session and one Stage 2 cohort. It is recommended that coaches, officials and players consider the number of people they are exposed to regardless of if physical distancing is in place or not.
Example scenarios:
- A player training in Stage 2 club practice cannot participate in men’s or women’s league
- A player competing in the women’s or men’s league can participate in a Stage 1 club practice (physical distancing and coach:athlete ratios at all times)
- A player participating in a FHBC Regional program can participate in men’s or women’s league (note: those athletes are limited to 2 cohorts)
- Two different cohorts playing in opposite ends of the same field are not permitted
A team within a cohort
In stage 2, you can have up to 4 teams within a single cohort. This cohort includes:
- Max 4 teams per cohort (max 2 teams per field at a time)
- Max 24 individuals per team made up of max 20 athletes, 1 required coach 1 required safety officer, 1 optional umpire, 1 optional TD for a total maximum of 24 people
- If you don’t have an umpire or TD, you cannot add players. The maximum number of players is 20.
- Players must remain on their designated team within a cohort. Movement between teams is not permitted.
- While 4 teams make up a cohort, only 1 or 2 of the teams can be inside the facility at a time. i.e. if Team 1 and 2 are playing a game, Team 3 and 4 cannot warm up on the side of the field. They cannot enter the pitch until Team 1 and 2 have cleared the field.
Cohorts should remain together for an extended period of time. If looking to change cohorts, implement a two-week break between activities.
- Players who are also umpires may only umpire in their playing cohort. This also applies to coach-umpires.
- Non-playing umpires may umpire in a maximum of 2 cohorts, in either league, provided they can maintain physical distancing at all times.
- Non-player umpires will need to declare which cohort(s) they will umpire in
Venue and Equipment setup
- Ensure ‘Athlete Equipment’ areas are set up and marked. Each athlete is assigned a spot, 2 meters or more from each other.
- All equipment to be placed from a safe distance away from all sidelines to ensure umpires safety during competition
- No sharing of personal equipment – Water bottles, Sticks, gloves, shin pads, mouthguard, clothing, including all Penalty Corner Equipment.
- Cleaning/Sanitizing protocols for team bench and technical areas are in place that may require additional to allow for the effective changeover of field activity user/group.
Types of Stage 2 Return to Play:
- 1. Modified formats of play such as 7v7, 5v5, 8v8 (even on shared fields)
- 2. Standardized play (11v11 games like normal)
- 3. Standardized training environment (practice that includes scrimmages, 2v1s, etc.)
Local Sport Organizations
Field Hockey Victoria
VILFHA (ladies league)
VIFHA (mens league)
VFHUA (umpires association)
Cowichan Field Hockey Association
Read full FHBC Stage 2 Return to Play framework here:
COVID-19 Update
Update from Field Hockey Victoria:
Field Hockey Victoria (FHV) has been in touch with Vikes Athletics and Recreation regarding the use of the water-based turf, Field 1. At this time, booking of the turf for the community is not available. They would like to do so in the near future and will require an FHV safety plan as part of a bigger safety plan that has to get approved through a few layers at the University level. The entire process is aimed to be complete by the middle of September.
It should be noted that FHBC still does not have a return to competition plan. Scrimmages, modified games, and match-play are NOT SANCTIONED at this time. Please read the “Responsible Return to Play” below for more information.
Once booking is available, there will be no change in turf rental rates at this time. There will be no change to the booking process. The FHV turf coordinator will advise of additional terms and conditions of use, ensuring the following items are communicated and agreed upon.
It should be noted that other field/facilities (other than at UVic) may be available for FHV members to use. As such, FHV requires the following responsible return to play framework regardless of location.
FHV requires all members to familiarize themselves with the FHBC Responsible Return to Play Framework for any and all field hockey sessions. FHV is the Local Sport Organization (LSO) as referenced in the FHBC framework. See here:
The following are mandatory elements for every field hockey session/activity:
- Pre-activity health screening for all participants
- Pre-activity reminder of public health guidelines to all participants
COVID-19 Attestation Questionnaire (attached) completed for all participants
Note: all completed questionnaires must be held by the permit holder for up to 2 years to ensure information is available should contact tracing be required.
Since the majority of field hockey activities will happen at UVic’s Field 1, all participants must follow the attached field/facility access plan. If using a different facility, all participants must adhere to the field/facility access plan provided by the booking authority for that space in addition to the FHBC framework. Session plans must incorporate a 15-minute Facility Entry Protocol (to collect questionnaires and verbally check in with all athletes) and a 15-minute Facility Exit Protocol (to ensure athlete, coach, and officer departure prior to subsequent session booking).
The following are mandatory elements for setting up a field hockey activity:
- Coaches must consider equipment setup to ensure social distance is maintained throughout the session. Please refer to FHBC Head Coach checklist (follow the link above) more detail.
- Safety officers must come prepared with all appropriate forms/checklists. Safety officers must wear a high viz vest or jacket at all times. Please refer to FHBC Safety Officer checklist (follow the link above) for more detail.
- A hard copy of the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) (attached) must be at each session and this documentation should include a First Aid response and Outbreak plan.
Athlete capacity must meet the following restrictions (diagram on page 25 of the FHBC Framework):
- A maximum of 8 athletes are permitted per quarter
- The booking group must assign one (1) coach for each athlete-group (max. 8 players per player-group)
- The booking group must assign one (1) safety officer to every two athlete-groups (max. 16 players each)
- The maximum occupancy per field is 38 (32 athletes, 4 coaches, 2 safety officers)
- The coach, safety officer, and athlete can not be the same person.
Players should be reminded:
- Not to arrive before their scheduled time, and to immediately leave the field once the session is complete.
- Not to attend if experiencing any cold/flu-like symptoms.
- To exit the premises if any symptoms manifest during the session.
- To only bring their stick and water bottle. All safety equipment (e.g. shin guards, mouthguard) should be put on prior to entering the field. Bags should not be brought onto the field space.
- Not to touch any facility equipment. If a goal need to be moved, players should use the sanitizer spray bottle provided to disinfect the surfaces after moving the goal.
- To maintain physical distance at all times, and to practice good hygiene when coughing/sneezing.
- That they must be a registered FHBC member, in good standing. (i.e. FHBC player dues paid and received).
Thanks to everyone for your patience as we responsibly return to play.
Mark Baggott
President, Field Hockey Victoria
See related documents:
FHV COVID-19 Attestation:
FHV COVID UVic Turf map:
FHV Emergency Action Plan:
FHV Information Meeting 2020
Field Hockey Victoria will be hosting an information meeting open to the entire community of VILFHA (ladies), VIFHA (men), VJFHA (juniors) and the Umpires Association. Coaches, players and parents are welcome to attend.
Where: McKinnon Building (Room 150) at UVic
When: Monday, March 2 from 6:30-8:00 pm
Topics that will be updated and up for discussion:
1. Summary of recent discussion with newly-elected FHBC President, Andrew Dewberry
2. How the future of FHBC will effect field hockey on Vancouver Island
3. Summary of discussions with UVic Associate Director, Michelle Peterson.
4. What the future looks like for the UVic turf
5. Open forum for any other items concerning field hockey in Victoria.
Current FHV Board members:
President – Mark Baggott
Vice President – Denise McGeachy
Treasurer – Amy Jones
Secretary – (vacant)
Directors at large – Nancy Griffin, Jim Knight, Shahbaz Claire, Kirsten Duncan
For questions or concerns, contact Mark Baggott (